Thursday, October 2, 2008

Natural home remedy for acne

« ...Along with the mechanic methods used to remove blackheads fast, you can also use over the counter products, such as blackhead strips that adhere to the blackhead and are removed as you peel the strip off. There are topical solutions to removing blackheads as well. To make sure you get the most out your topical solution choice, apply steam or a warm cloth to the area to allow your pores to open, so that the solution has a better chance to get down into the pore to remove dirt, oil, and dead skin....
...This is a chronic condition that is bound to happen to everyone in their life and if these black heads are not taken care of then they will most definitely leave a permanent scar on your face for the rest of your life....»
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«...Light therapy or phototherapy has been very successful when it comes to treating stubborn cases of acne. A treatment called the blue light acne treatment uses visible violet light rays within the range of 405 to 420nm to kill bacteria that live in the hair follicles of the skin. It is bacteria that are responsible for the presence of pimples and acne....»
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tags: johnson & johnson continuous control acne cleanser, stillwater spa acne treatment reviews, acne good ,bad vitamins

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